Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sudoku Solver Update Log

The sudoku solver is based on javascript and jquery 1.8.3.

v 1.0 (8 December 2012)

  • Works with firefox and chrome
  • Should solve most humanly solvable sudoku puzzles

v 1.9 (21 December 2012)

  • Checks input for any errors and highlights them
  • Checks output for errors, if errors are found, tells how many while displaying the result
  • UI improvements (it doesn't suck that much now :) )
    • The sudoku looks like a sudoku
    • Input is displayed with a different font and highlighted bold when the output is displayed
  • Performance improvements

v 1.13 (9 June 2013)

  • Solves all humanly solvable puzzles
  • Code fixes
  • Performance improvements
  • Displays time taken for solveing the sudoku in milliseconds
  • Arrow keys can now be used to travel across sudoku cells

Monday, November 26, 2012

Category Intersection Tool

This is the first post of this blog :D

and I'm happy to say that I've just published the category intersection tool for hindi wikipedia. I've made this tool since the awesome Catscan Rewrite apparently doesn't work for the hindi wikipedia for some reason. So, here we are.

For now, the tool works only with the hindi wikipedia, but I plan to expand this to include other mediawiki websites, including non-wikimedia ones. Enjoy the tool!